Sir W. Goscombe John RA, Seated female nude

Seated female nude, August 2nd 1890

Sir W. Goscombe John RA (1860 - 1952)

RA Collection: Art

These life drawings were made by the Welsh sculptor William Goscombe John during his year studying in Paris in 1890-91 after being awarded a travel grant from the Royal Academy Schools. In the same group of drawings is a study (07/554) for his sculpture Morpheus (1890; National Museum of Wales), a figure that Goscombe John based on The Age of Bronze which he was able to study in Rodin's studio. He later wrote of the eminent artist; 'kindly man that he was, he allowed me to be with him while he was at work' (see Pickup).

Prior to his year in Paris, Goscombe John was taught by Lord Leighton at the Royal Academy Schools and his influence is also evident in the younger artist's work at this time, in his sculpted figures and also in his drawings.

Some of the drawings are inscribed with 'Paris' and dates in 1890. In several cases, very similar models also appear in life drawings by Adolph Robert Shulz who was studying in Paris around this time (there are examples in hte Indianapolis Museum of Art, for instance

Further reading

Fiona Pearson, Goscombe John at the National Museum of Wales,Cardiff, 1979, p. 11-12

David Pickup, 'Sir William Goscombe John 'Imbued with the Artistic Spirit'', The Medal , No. 31, 1997, pp. 68-72

All objects in this group

Object details

Seated female nude
August 2nd 1890
Object type
Place of Production
Charcoal on think laid paper

624 mm x 475 mm

Royal Academy of Arts
Object number
Given by Mrs Frederick Fildes 13 April 1953
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