Henry Herschel Hay Cameron, Professor Jowett

Professor Jowett

Henry Herschel Hay Cameron (1852 - 1911)

RA Collection: Art

Jowett, an old friend of the Tennysons, would regularly visit the family at Farringford and was to write an account of the poet, decribing him as 'so greatly mistaken by those who don't know him or only know him a little. No one is more honest, truthful, manly or a warmer friend; but he is as open as the day, and like a child, tells any chance comer what is passing in his mind'. According to Jowett, one of Tennyson's chief pre-occupations was the nature of a future life after death.

Jowett also described Mrs Cameron was as 'a very honest, really kind, enthusiastic person : perhaps she has the tendency to make the house shake the moment she enters, but in this dull world that is a very excusable fault.'

Object details

Professor Jowett
Photographed by
Printed by
Alfred, Lord Tennyson and His Friends A Series of 25 Portraits and Frontispiece in Photogravure From The Negatives Of Mrs. Julia Margaret Cameron And H.H.H. Cameron Reminiscences By Anne Thackeray Ritchie With Introduction by H.H. Hay Cameron
Object type

222 mm x 183 mm

Royal Academy of Arts
Object number
This image is from a book

Alfred, Lord Tennyson And His Friends A Series of 25 Portraits and Frontispiece In Photogravure From The Negatives Of Mrs. Julia Margaret Cameron And H.H.H. Cameron Reminiscences By Anne Thackeray Ritchie With Introduction By H.H. Hay Cameron - London: 1893

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