Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, A critical inquiry into antient armour,

Henry the Sixth King of England, 1842

Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick (1783 - 1848)

RA Collection: Art

Henry the Sixth King of England
Engraved by
Published by
Henry George Bohn (1796 - 1884)
A critical inquiry into antient armour as it existed in Europe... / by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick. - London, 1842. 3 vols. (2°). [pl. XLII]
Object type
Printed illustration
Illuminated engraving

315 mm x 235 mm

Royal Academy of Arts
Object number
This image is from a book

A critical inquiry into antient armour, as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from The Norman Conquest to the reign of King Charles II. Illustrated by a series of illuminated engravings. With a glossary of military terms of the Middle Ages. By Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, Kt. K.H. LL.D. & F.S.A. &c. &c. &c. In three volumes. Vol. I [-III]. - London

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