Henry Herschel Hay Cameron, Hallam, 2nd Baron Tennyson.
Photogravure. 241 mm x 190 mm. © Photo: Royal Academy of Arts, London.
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Henry Herschel Hay Cameron (1852 - 1911)
RA Collection: Art
Hallam Tennyson was Alfred and Emily's first child. He was born on the 11 August 1852 and named after Arthur Henry Hallam, Alfred's close college friend, whose early death had occasioned the poem 'In Memoriam'. Hallam was educated at Marlborough and later Trinity College, Cambridge. He married Audrey Boyle in 1884. Hallam became his father's secretary, taking up many duties which ill health prevented his mother from continuing. On his father's death in 1892, he began to compile a memoir, 'Alfred Lord Tennyson; a Memoir by his Son' which was later published in 1897.
241 mm x 190 mm
Alfred, Lord Tennyson And His Friends A Series of 25 Portraits and Frontispiece In Photogravure From The Negatives Of Mrs. Julia Margaret Cameron And H.H.H. Cameron Reminiscences By Anne Thackeray Ritchie With Introduction By H.H. Hay Cameron - London: 1893