RA Collection: People and Organisations
British Museum
Designs From Greek Vases In The British Museum Edited By A.S. Murray Keeper of Greek and Roman Antiquities - London:: 1894
British Museum
White Athenian Vases In The British Museum By A.S. Murray, Ll.D., F.S.A. Keeper of Greek and Roman Antiquities And A.H. Smith, M.A., F.S.A. Assistant in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities - London:: 1896
British Museum
British Museum - The Sculptures Of The Parthenon With An Introduction And Commentary By A.H. Smith, M.A., Keeper Of The Department Of Greek And Roman Antiquities In The British Museum - London:: 1910.
Augustus Charles Pugin
Paris and its environs. Paris et ses environs ; cent gravures, d'apres les dessins de Mr. A. Pugin, et trois plans de la ville et de ses environs graves sur acier. - Londres & Berlin: 1835