RA Collection: People and Organisations
British politician; connoisseur; advocate of public patronage of the arts.
Born: 1760
Died: 1838
Gender: Male
Charles Long, Baron Farnborough
Short remarks, and suggestions, upon improvements now carrying on or under consideration. - London: 1826
Notices Of The Life And Works Of Titian. - London:: 1829.
George Cumberland
An Essay On The Utility Of Collecting The Best Works Of The Ancient Engravers Of The Italian School; Accompanied By A Critical Catalogue, With Interesting Anecdotes Of The Engravers, Of A Chronological Series Of rare And Valuable Prints, From The Earliest Practice Of The Art In Italy To The Year 1549, Now Deposited In The British Museum and Royal Academy, In London, By George Cumberland. - London.: 1827.
Observations on the interests of the fine arts in Great Britain, suggested by the plan said to be in agitation of erecting additional buildings for the national collections on the premises of the British Museum. - London: 1823
Farnborough, Bromley Hall, to [Keightley]
15 Jan [1830]
Item LAW/5/430
C. Long, Ay. Pay Office, to [Thomas Lawrence]
Item LAW/5/328
Farnborough. Whitehall Gardens, to Sir Thomas
4 Jul [c.1829]
Item LAW/5/154
T.L. Parker, Tabley House, to Thomas Lawrence, Russell Square
30 [Jun 1827]
Item LAW/5/151