RA Collection: Book
Ludwig Gruner
Title-page , 1850
Ludwig Gruner
Specimen of bookbinding in the 16th century, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Flowers from nature ornamentally arranged, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
The french bean and the convolvolus from nature , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Greek frieze in Terra-cotta, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Part of an ancient pilaster in the Villa Medici at Rome , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Part of an ancient column , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Frieze by Andrea dal Monte Sansovino, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Festoon by Sansovino in the church of Santa Sabina in Rome, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Inlaid wood of the 15th Century , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Inlaid wood of the 15th Century , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Inlaid wood of the 15th Century from the back of two chairs /, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Ancient Roman tesselated pavement lately discovered at Brescia , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Parts of two pavements in terrazzo alla veneziana at the palazzo del T at Mantua, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Portions of a painted wall in the house of the Second fountain, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
A column from a wall painting at Pompei, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Portion of a mural painting in the 'Casa de Bronzi' at Pompei , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Frieze from an ancient painting at Pompei , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Painted wall in the house of the Labyrinth at Pompei, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Mosaic-fountain in the house of Medusa at Pompei, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Mosaic lunette above the high altar in the Basilica of San Clemente at Rome, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Details of the Church of S.t Andrea XII century at Vercelli, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Details of the Paintings in the Church of S.ta Anastasia at Verona XIVt., 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Paintings of a groined ceiling in the Church of St. Francesco at Lodi , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Painted details from the Church of St. Francesco at Lodi , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
External enrichment in stone and terra cotta by Bramante from the church ot S.ta Maria delle Grazie at Milan, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Portion of a Painted ceiling by Bernard. Luini XVIth. century in the church of the Monastero Maggiore at Milan, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Portion of a Painted ceiling in the Monastero Maggiore at Milan , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Portion of the painted pilasters in the 'Gabinetto d'Isabella d'Este' at Matua , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Part of a carved ceiling in Palazzo Vecchio at Mantua, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Elevation of Portion of the Court Yard of 'Casa Taverna' at Milan , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Decoration of a Portico of the XVIth. century in the Court Yard of casa Traversi at Milan , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Paintings in the style of the antique in the corridor of a castle of S. Angelo at Rome by Giulio Romano , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Paintings from the bath room of Cardina Bibbiena in the Vatican by Raphael d'Urbino, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Hawthorn flower and fruit from Nature arranged for an ornamental border, 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Capital of a Pilaster , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper
Ludwig Gruner
Painted pillar and ribs by Giotto in the upper church of S.t Francesco at Assisi , 1850
Chromolithograph on wove paper