Printer statement on page [2] (and the foot of page 16): 'Printed at the Windsor Press, by C. Knight.'
Paper front cover of the pamphlet with printed title in decorative rectangular box: 'Architects' / and / Antiquaries' Society. / - / Address / by the Secretary, / November 1, 1822.'
Inscription in ink at the top of the paper front cover, 'To R. Westmacott Esq. R A / from the A. A. Club - / J B -'
Part of a set of pamphlets from the library of Richard Westmacott RA presented by Mrs Rodwell in 1937 (see RA Annual Report for 1937, p. 55).
Bound (14) in vol. VI of a set of pamphlets from the library of Richard Westmacott RA.
Binding Note
In green quarter-bound leather; spine with two red leather labels, both lettered in gilt, the first as 'Miscellaneous' and the second as 'Vol. / VI'.