Declan Jenkins (b.1984, Isle of Wight) previously studied at Wimbledon College of Art. Jenkins produces woodcut prints and performative poems touching on aspects of showmanship, performativity, and more general questions of creative self-consciousness.
The woodcut is a graphic enactment of a pre-articulate universe, held together by a punning, improvisational dream logic. The poems are confessional and lyrically satirical, problematising ‘artistic’ ambitions and thought processes with a thrusting polemical tone.
This network of interconnected material possesses a sort of orality, mirroring the free flowing, openended nature of speech.
Born: 1984 in Isle of Wight
RA Schools student from 2012 to 2015
Gender: Male
Contact information:
Declan Jenkins, Glug and Maglug.
Declan Jenkins, Ridl.
Declan Jenkins, Tunnel Busting.
Declan Jenkins, Beret Duality.
Declan Jenkins, Doglan observes Declan, Declan observes Doglan.
Doglan reads Declan’s poems
Declan Jenkins