BSL tour of The Making of an Artist: The Great Tradition
Saturday 1 September 2018 2 - 3pm
Collection Gallery, Burlington Gardens, Royal Academy of Arts
Free, booking required.
Many highlights of the RA Collection are on show for the first time in our new free displays. Come and discover them with a tour of our Collection Gallery in British Sign Language (BSL).
Curated by the Royal Academy’s President Christopher Le Brun this gallery presents artworks that tell the stories of people who founded the RA, their ideas about art, and how those ideas changed over the next 50 years. Join art historian Steven Iliffe for this BSL tour to explore masterpieces including Michelangelo’s Taddei Tondo and Giampetrino’s copy of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper.
BSL speaking host John Wilson will be supporting this event.
Book online or call 020 7300 8090.
Free, booking required.