William Wilkins RA, Plan of the National Gallery building

Plan of the National Gallery building , May 1833

William Wilkins RA (1778 - 1839)

RA Collection: Art

A plan of the National Gallery building at Trafalgar Square when it was intended to house both the National Gallery and the Royal Academy. The building was designed by William Wilkins and erected on the site of the former King's Mews. It was ready by 1837 when the Academy moved into the East Wing and the National Gallery was installed in the West Wing. The latter opened to the public in 1838. However, the site proved too small for two growing institutions and in 1868 the Royal Academy moved to Burlington House, Piccadilly where it remains today.

Object details

Plan of the National Gallery building
William Wilkins RA (1778 - 1839)
May 1833
Object type
Architectural design

470 mm x 910 mm

Royal Academy of Arts
Object number
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