Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg RA, The Romantic And Picturesque Scenery Of England and Wales, From Drawings made Expressly For This Undertaking, By P. J. De Loutherbourg, Esq. R. A. With Historical And Descriptive Accounts Of The Several Places Of Which Views Are Given. Engraved By William

Chepstow Castle, ca. 1824

Philippe Jacques de Loutherbourg RA (1740 - 1812)

RA Collection: Art

Chepstow Castle
Engraved by
William Pickett (fl. ca. 1792 - 1820?)
Hand-coloured by
John Clarke (fl. ca. 1805?)
Published by
Robert Bowyer (1758 - 1834)
P.J. De Loutherbourg, The romantic and picturesque scenery of England and Wales, [2nd ed.], London 1805 [actually ca. 1824], pl.[15]
ca. 1824
Object type
Etching, aquatint and colour washes

232 mm x 318 mm

Royal Academy of Arts
Object number
This image is from a book

The Romantic And Picturesque Scenery Of England and Wales, From Drawings made Expressly For This Undertaking, By P. J. De Loutherbourg, Esq. R. A. With Historical And Descriptive Accounts Of The Several Places Of Which Views Are Given. Engraved By William Pickett, And Coloured By John Clarke. - London: 1805. [i.e. ca. 1824]

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