RA Collection: People and Organisations
Revd. Richard Cecil
Memoirs Of The Late John Bacon, Esq. R.A. - By The Rev. Richard Cecil, M.A. Late Rector Of Bisley, And Vicar Of Chobham, Surrey; And Minister Of St. John's-Chapel, Bedford-Row, London. - A New Edition. - - London:: 1811.
George Smith of Chichester
Pastorals; Second Edition. To Which Is Added, Pastorella, A Rural Tale. By The Late George Smith, Landscape painter, Of Chichester. - London:: 1811.
Michael Bryan
A Biographical And Critical Dictionary Of Painters And Engravers, From The Revival Of Art Under Cimabue, And The Alledged Discovery Of Engraving By Finiguerra, To The Present Time: With The Ciphers, Monograms, And Marks, Used By Each Engraver; And An Ample List Of Their Principal Works. Together With Two Indexes, Alphabetical And Chronological. To Which Is Prefixed, An Introduction, Containing A Brief Account of the Painters of Antiquity. By Michael Bryan. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. (II.) - London:: 1816.
Description of the series of pictures, painted by order of the late Emperor of France, under his own inspection, to commemorate the principal actions of his life. Also original portraits, busts in marble, bronze and or-moulu, superb fire arms, services of gold plate, and other magnificent and costly effects of Napoleon Buonaparte; ... now exhibiting at the London Museum, Piccadilly. - London: 1816