RA Collection: People and Organisations
Nonesuch Press was a private press founded in 1922 in London by Francis Meynell (1891-1975), his second wife Vera Mendel, and their mutual friend David Garnett (1892-1981), co-owner of Birrell & Garnett's bookshop in Soho's Gerrard Street, in the basement of which building the press began. Nonesuch Press's first book, a volume of John Donne's Love Poems was issued in May 1923. In total, the press produced more than 140 books.
Gilbert White
The writings of Gilbert White of Selborne / selected and edited with an introduction by H. J. Massingham. - London: 1938
Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle
A plurality of worlds : John Glanvill's translation / with a prologue by David Garnett - [London]: 1929
Paul Nash
Genesis : twelve woodcuts / by Paul Nash ; with the first chapter of Genesis in the authorized version - Soho [London, England]: [1924]
William Beckford
Vathek / by William Beckford ; a new translation by Herbert B. Grimsditch, with ten illustrations by Marion V. Dorn. - London: 1929