RA Collection: People and Organisations
Exhibiting society which held its inaugural exhibition in galleries at 9 Conduit Street, London, opening on 5th November 1893. The society held three exhibitions each year, designated Spring, Summer and Autumn. The exhibitions were given a running number, and accompanying catalogues were published. The Spring 1890 catalogue states that this was the twentieth exhibition. Illustrations of some of the exhibited works also appeared Academy Sketches from 1886-1892. It is not clear for long the society existed. An advert for the forthcoming exhibition of the society appears in the Morning Post, 3 May 1895, but no later references to the Nineteenth Century Art Society can be found.
`The principal object of this Society is to give greater facilities for the exhibition and sale of works by recognized and rising young artists. The subscription is three guineas, due annual in advance. No further liability is incurred by Membership. Only Members can exhibit. Members are entitled to exhibit works to occupy about eight square feet at each exhibition of which there are three during the year. It is evident that three exhibitions (extending over nearly eight months) afford opportunities for the sale of works, which are not obtainable in any other society. Every effort is made to secure commissions for the Members, and important results have already taken place in this direction.
The Society has been recently considerably strengthened by the enrolment of many additional well-known artists as Members. With the view of enabling the Members to exhibit their works in a thoroughly adequate and advantageous manner, the requisite alterations and improvements have been carried out by throwing the Maddox Street Galleries into those already occupied by the Society, thus forming one of the most important and attractive suites of galleries in London.
The Galleries may be hired for conversazioni, concerts, at homes, &c.’
Edward Freeman & R. S. Marriott (Secretaries). Transcribed from an advert on page 242 of Academy Sketches (1892).
Henry Blackburn, editor
Academy Sketches ; Academy Sketches ; a supplemental volume of sketches of paintings, water colours,etc., in the Royal Academy, the New Gallery, the Water Colour Society, &c. / edited by Henry Blackburn - London: 1892
Henry Blackburn, editor
Academy Sketches ; a supplemental volume of sketches of paintings, water colours, etc., in the Royal Academy, the New Gallery, the Water Colour Society, &c. / edited by Henry Blackburn - London: 1892
Henry Blackburn, editor
Academy Sketches ; a supplemental volume of sketches of paintings, water colours, etc. in the Royal Academy, Grosvenor Gallery, The New Gallery, and other exhibitions / edited by Henry Blackburn - London: 1890
Henry Blackburn, editor
Academy Sketches ; a supplemental volume of sketches of paintings, water colours, etc. in the Royal Academy, Grosvenor Gallery, The New Gallery, and other exhibitions / edited by Henry Blackburn - London: 1889