RA Collection: People and Organisations
Publisher based in London. Active from the 1924 to 1930.
Edward Wadsworth ARA
Sailing-ships and barges of the western Mediterranean and Adriatic seas : a series of copper plates engraved in the line manner / by Edward Wadsworth ; and coloured by hand, with an introduction and brief descriptions, by Bernard Windeler - London: 1926
Ovid's Elegies / translated by Christopher Marlowe, together with the Epigrams of Sir John Davies ; with decorations engraved on wood by John Nash - London: 1925
John Nash RA
Poisonous plants, deadly, dangerous and suspect / engraved on wood and with an introduction by John Nash, with brief descriptions by W. Dallimore, edited by Dr. A.W. Hill, F.R.S. - London: [1927]