Sir Walter Westley Russell RA (1867 - 1949)

RA Collection: People and Organisations

He was elected Keeper of the Royal Academy Schools at General Assembly on 28 June 1927 and commenced his duties at the opening of term in October. He stayed Honorary Keeper from Michaelmas Day 1942 until the end of the year (see Council Minutes 13 October 1942).


Royal Academician


Born: 31 May 1867 in Forest Gate, Essex, England, United Kingdom

Died: 16 April 1949

Nationality: British

Elected ARA: 22 April 1920

Elected RA: 23 February 1926

Elected Senior RA: 1 January 1943

Keeper from: 1927 - 1942

Gender: Male

Preferred media: Painting

Works by Sir Walter Westley Russell in the RA Collection

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Works associated with Sir Walter Westley Russell in the RA Collection

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Associated archives

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