Tim Ellis centers his work around the idea “that a Being has a primeval desire to want to belong to something greater than oneself”. He talks about the “wanting to belong” manifesting itself in both the production and consumption of art and craft objects. “Whether in isolation or as a collection art and craft objects are dependent on a creator, mediator and audience, as a consequence they inherit their aspirations, values and intentions.”
Ellis examines the process whereby art and craft objects from one culture come into close contact with another. This coming together leads to an exchange in value and shift in meaning. Ellis conducts in-depth research into cultural products; how they are made, used and displayed. Sometimes using found objects and other times abstracting from pre-existing designs, these are transformed to form totemic sculptures and paintings. The material decisions and finishing given to the objects and paintings suggest a utility, beyond that of their original function.
Whether displayed singularly or grouped in an installation the strategies employed in staging the works allow them to appear as ready-mades. The harmonious interaction between surface, object and display only serve to heighten the illusion. Ellis is seamlessly able to weave together historical fact and invention, allowing an engagement with notions of symbolism, artifact and artifice.
Born: 1981 in Chester, England, United Kingdom
RA Schools student from 2006 to 2009
Gender: Male
Contact information:
Installation view of work by Tim Ellis in RA Schools Show 2009
Installation view of work by Tim Ellis in RA Schools Show 2009
2016 C.O.D.A, FOLD Gallery, London
2014 Finding Comfort in an Unknown Future, FOLD Gallery, London.
Icastica, Municipality of Arezzo, Italy
2013 Where We End and You Begin, Horatio jr, London
Caramel Blush, Tim Ellis & Jack Newling, Corfu, London
We Belong Together, Hong Kong
2012 In The Company We Trust, Horatio jr, London
2011 Sons of Pioneers, Furini Contemporary, Rome, Italy
The Tourist, Spacex, Exeter, UK
2010 A Foundation For Exchange, Primopiano, Lugano, Switzerland
2016 Now It is Permitted: 24 Wayside Pulpits, curated by Bridget Smith, Swedenborg Society, London
Imperfect Reverse, curated by Laurence Noga, Camberwell Project Space, University of the Arts, London
Frac-tured-su-per-struc-tures, Space Station, London
Wish You Were Here, Estuary 2016, Metal, Southend Pier, Essex
Phase 1 (Reseau Peinture), Ruskin Gallery, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Flatland, FOLD Gallery, London
2015 Local Objects, curated by Rita Salvaggio, Ikeyazhang, Milan
Platform/Platvorm, Melkweg, Amsterdam
The London Open, curated by Daniel Hermann & Poppy Bowers, The Whitechapel Gallery, London
Illegitimate Objects, The Mathematical Institute, Oxford University
INVITED, curated by Philly Adams of The Saatchi Gallery and Flora Fairbairn of Fair & Co, London
Walking Through Fiction, Camberwell Space, University of the Arts, London
Tutti Frutti, Turps Banana, Turps Gallery, London
Taverna - We are Open - Icastica, curated by Ilaria Gianni, Fraternita Laici, Municipality of Arezzo
Long Ting (No Long Ting), curated by Cedar Lewisohn, Ron Mandos Gallery, Amsterdam
2014 The MAC International, curated by Hugh Mulholland, Francesco Bonami, Judith Nesbitt, The Metropolitan Arts Centre, Belfast
The Opinion Makers II, Londonewcastle Project Space, London
A Union of Voices, Horatio Jr, London
100 Painters of Tomorrow, Thames & Hudson, One Art Space, Tribeca, New York
Open 17, International exhibition of sculptures and installations, Venice Lido & San Servolo Island, Venice
Icastica, Fraternita Laici, Museo di Ivan Bruschi & Galleria Comunale D‘Arte Contemporanea, Municipality of Arezzo
Ten, Independents Biennial, Liverpool Hope University Gallery, Liverpool
Symbolic Logic, IAG, Hong Kong
2013 Image/Object, Furini Contemporary, Rome
SONS, SONS Museum, Kruishoutem
Magic 8 Ball, FOLD Gallery, London
Misinformation Centre, Hack The Barbican, The Barbican, London
Re-View, IAG, Hong Kong
Best Haircuts in History, curated by Cedar Lewisohn & Patricia Ellis, We are Cuts, Soho, London
2012 Seduction, Simon Oldfield at 6 Carlos Way, London
Courtship of the Peoples, Simon Oldfield Gallery, London
Needle in a Cloud, FOLD Gallery London
Pop Molecule, Aubin Gallery, London
2011 Secret Societies, To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Keep Silence, curated by Cristina Ricupero and Alexis Vaillant, CAPC Musee d‘Art Contemporain, Bordeaux
The Anti-Library, curated by Paul Peroni, Space, London
The Thing is the Thing, curated by Benet Spencer, ASC Gallery, London
The Others, Turin
Secret Societies, To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Keep Silence, curated by Cristina Ricupero and Alexis Vaillant, The Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt
Friendship of the Peoples, Simon Oldfiled Gallery, London
2010 John Moores Painting Prize 26, The Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Newspeak: British Art Now, Part 1, The Saatchi Gallery, London
New Symphony, Simon Oldfield Gallery, London
Tag From 3 to 36: New London Painting, Brown Gallery, London
2014 100 Painters of Tomorrow, Thames & Hudson
Exhibited Shortlist, MAC International, The Metropolitan Arts Centre, Belfast, Northern Ireland
2010 Exhibited Shortlist - John Moores Painting Prize 26, The Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
2009 The Gordon Luton Award
Patricia Turner Award for Sculpture
2008 Peter Rippon Travel Award.