Thomas Stothard RA (1755 - 1834)

RA Collection: People and Organisations

Appointed Deputy Librarian on 19 December 1810.


Royal Academician

Born: 17 August 1755 in London, England, United Kingdom

Died: 27 April 1834

Nationality: British

RA Schools student from 31 December 1777

Elected ARA: 10 November 1791

Elected RA: 10 February 1794

Librarian: 1814 - 27 April 1834

Gender: Male

Preferred media: Painting and Illustration

Works by Thomas Stothard in the RA Collection

83 results

Works after Thomas Stothard in the RA Collection

5 results

Works associated with Thomas Stothard in the RA Collection

7 results

Associated books

19 results

Associated archives

44 results