RA Collection: People and Organisations
Painter, draughtsman, lithographer, and sculptor.
Born: 26 September 1791 in Rouen, France
Died: 26 January 1824
Nationality: French
Gender: Male
Théodore Géricault
A concise description of Monsieur Jerricault's great picture, ... representing the surviving crew of the Medusa French frigate, ... The above magnificent picture, which was painted for the exhibition at the Louvre, in 1819, ... is now open for public inspection, at the Roman Gallery, Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly. - [London]: [1820]
André Michel
L'École françcaise, de David à Delacroix - Paris: [1892]
Charles Clément
Géricault Etude Biographique Et Critique Avec Le catalogue Raisonnée De L'Œuvre Du Maitre Par Charles Clément - Paris: 1868 Tous droits réservés.