28 January - 21 April 2025
7 March 2025
RA Collection: People and Organisations
Born: 1642
Died: 1691
Gender: Male
Sir Paul Rycaut
The History Of The Turks. Beginning with the Year 1679. Being a full Relation Of the Last Troubles in Hungary, with the Sieges of Vienna, and Buda, and all the several Battles both by Sea and Land, between the Christians, and the Turks, until the End of the Year 1698, and 1699. In Which The Peace between the Turks, And The Confederate Christian Princes and States, was happily Concluded at Carlowitz in Hungary, By the Mediation of His Majesty of Great Britain, and the States General of the United Provinces. With the Effigies of the Emperors and others of Note, Engraven at Large upon Copper, which Compleats the Sixth and Last Edition of the History of the Turks. In Two Vol. in Folio. By Sir Paul Rycaut, Kt. Eighteen Years Consul at Smyrna, now His Majesty's Resident at Hamburg, and Fellow of the Royal Society. - London:: [1700]
When should this exhibition be published?