28 January - 21 April 2025
7 March 2025
RA Collection: People and Organisations
Painter of portraits and history paintings; draughtsman. Trained in Lucca and Rome; active in Rome.
Born: 1708
Died: 1787
Gender: Male
Johann Joachim Winckelmann
Storia Delle Arti Del Disegno Presso Gli Antichi Di Giovanni Winkelmann Tradotta dal Tedesco E In Questa Edizione Corretta E Aumentata Dall'Abate Carlo Fea Giureconsulto Tomo Primo. (- Terzo.) - In Roma: [1783(-1784)]
J. Northcote, Rome, to Sam. Northcote, Plymouth, Devonshire, England
11 Sep 1778
Item NOR/44
[draft] Ozias Humphry, to Earl of Egremont
21 Sep 1805
Item HU/6/56
Alex. Day, [Rome], to Ozias Humphry, at Madam Vanini's, Florence
Item HU/2/16
When should this exhibition be published?