28 January - 21 April 2025
7 March 2025
RA Collection: People and Organisations
Collector of paintings, drawings and prints; commissioner of buildings and works of art, at Kismarton in Hungary.
Born: 1765
Died: 1833
Gender: Male
Monumenti Sepolcrali della Toscana Disegnati da Vincenzo Gozzini, e Incisi da Giovan Paolo Lasinio Sotto la direzione dei Signori Cav. P. Benvenuti, E L. De Cambray Digny Con Illustrazioni [Monogram] - Firenze: 1819.
Prince Esterhazy to A. Keightley
14 Jan 1830
Item LAW/5/423
Esterhazy, Chandos House, to Sir Thomas
Item LAW/5/296
Esterhazy, to Sir Thomas
Item LAW/5/108
Esterhazy to Sir Thomas
Item LAW/5/36
When should this exhibition be published?