28 January - 21 April 2025
7 March 2025
RA Collection: People and Organisations
Born: fl. 1755
Died: 1787
Gender: Male
John Evelyn
Sculptura; Or, The History and Art Of Chalcography, And Engraving in Copper: With An ample Enumeration of the most renowned Masters and their Works. To which is annexed, A New Manner of Engraving, or Mezzotinto, Communicated by His Highness Prince Rupert To The Author of this Treatise, John Evelyn, Esq; The Second Edition. Containing some Corrections and Additions taken from the Margin of the Author's printed Copy; an Etching of his Head, by Mr. Worlide; an exact Copy of the Mezzotinto done by Prince Rupert, by Mr. Houston; a Translation of all the Greek and Latin Passages; and Memoirs Of The Author's Life. Implevi eum Spiritu Dei, sapientia, et intelligentia, et scientia in omni opere, ad excogitandum quicquid fabrefieri potest ex`auro, et argento, et ære, marmore, et gemmis, et diversitate lignorum. Exodus, cap. xxxi, et cap. xxxv. - London:: [1755]
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