Ian McKeever, Twelve Standing and Three, Essay by Mark Prince, Horsens Kunstmuseum, Denmark (in Danish and English), 2014
Ian McKeever, Hours of Darkness Hours of Light, Essay by Guido Schlimbach, Kunst-Station Sankt Peter, Cologne and Kunstmuseet I Tønder, Denmark (in German and Danish), 2014
Ian McKeever, Eagduru/Against Architecture, Introduction by Magnus Thorø Clausen, Galleri Susanne Ottesen, Copenhagen and Walther König Verlag, Cologne, 2014
Ian Mckeever, Against Photography: Early Works, 1975-1990, Essay by Mark Prince, HackelBury Fine Art, London, 2014
Ian McKeever, Hartgrove, Paintings and Photographs, Introduction and essay by Heinz Liesbrock, Josef Albers Museum, Bottrop, Germany (in English and German), 2012
McKeever: Black and Black again…Paintings 1987-2010, Foreword by Ove Mogensen with writings by the artist dating from 1982-2009, Museum Sønderjyland, Kunstmuseet i Tønder, Denmark (in English and Danish), 2011
Artists’ Laboratory: Ian McKeever RA. Hartgrove Paintings and Photographs, Essay by Norbert Lynton, ‘Ian McKeever: Hartgrove Paintings 1992-1994’, and Ian McKeever in conversation with Richard Deacon, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2010
Ian McKeever: Paintings, Essays by Marjorie Allthorpe-Guyton, Michael Tucker, Catherine Lampert, and Ian McKeever, Lund Humphries, London, 2009
Ian McKeever: Assembly. Paintings and Works on Paper 2006-2007, Essay by Jill Lloyd, Alan Cristea Gallery, London, 2008
Ian McKeever: Four Quartets, Paintings 2001-2007, Essay by Martin Caiger-Smith, Freiburg i Br. & Cologne, 2007