RA Collection: People and Organisations
Died: 1859
Altars, Tabernacles And Sepulchral Monuments Of the 14th and 15th centuries Existing At Rome Published under the patronage of the celebrated Academy of Saint Luke By M. Tosi and Becchio (Romans) Descriptions in italian, english and french by Mrs Spry Bartlet In one volume - Dedicated to the Royal Institute of British Architects By Mr Mastraca, Editor - Tabernacoli, Altari E Monumenti Sepolcrali Del 14o e 15o secolo Esistenti In Roma Publicati sotto gli auspicj della insigne Accademia di S. Luca Dai Sri. Tosi E Becchio (Romani) Illustrati In Italiano, Inglese E Francese Da Mme Spry Bartlet In uno volume Dedicati al reale Instituto dei SS. Architetti della gran Bretagna Dal Sr Mastraca, Editore - Autels, Tabernacles Et Monuments Sépulcraux Des 14e et 15e siècles Existant A Rome Publiés sous les auspices de la célèbre Académie de St Luc Par MM. Tosi Et Becchio (Romains) Texte Italien, Anglais Et Français Par Mme Spry Bartlet En un volume Dédiés à l'Institut Ryal de MM. les Architectes Britanniques Par Mr Mastraca, Éditeur - - Lagny: 1843
When should this exhibition be published?