RA Collection: People and Organisations
Painter and designer. Studied in Belgium, France, Rome; in 1845 returned to Britain.
Born: 1821
Died: 1893
Gender: Male
Robert de La Sizeranne
English contemporary art / translated from the French of Robert de la Sizeranne by H.M. Poynter - Westminster: 1898.
British painters of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries : with eighty examples of their work engraved on wood. - London: [1880]
Frank Cadogan Cowper, 18 St. John's Wood Terrace, Regent's Park, to his mother
27 Jan 1899
Item COW/1/a
Two newspaper cuttings and three card invitations
Item AND/26/411
Letter from Ford Madox Brown
Sub-series RAA/SEC/11/11
When should this exhibition be published?