Evelyn O’Connor (b. 1988)

Evelyn O’Connor’s (b. 1988, Cork, Ireland) previously studied at Limerick School of Art and Design. O’Connor’s sculpture practice is led by a fascination with the obsession to dress one thing up as another and transform the objects and materials of everyday life. There is a willingness to press mundane objects into revealing their abstract possibilities, as objects float between the formless and the recognisable forms of everyday objects.

Through the veneer of the everyday there is a dialogue with a culture of consumerism and a desire to relish in the surface-deep appeal of a disposable world. These sculptural forms are theatrical in nature and have a kind of physical humour that often seem to be on the verge of collapse.


Born: 1988 in Cork

Nationality: Irish

RA Schools student from 2012 to 2015

Gender: Female

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