Clarkson Stanfield RA (1793 - 1867)

RA Collection: People and Organisations

Sometimes erroneously called William Clarkson Stanfield. He went to sea under the name of Roderick Bland in 1812.


Royal Academician

Born: 3 December 1793 in Sunderland, Durham, England, United Kingdom

Died: 18 May 1867

Nationality: British

Elected ARA: 15 November 1832

Elected RA: 10 February 1835

Gender: Male

Preferred media: Painting, Theatre design, and Illustration

Works by Clarkson Stanfield in the RA Collection

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Works after Clarkson Stanfield in the RA Collection

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Works associated with Clarkson Stanfield in the RA Collection

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Associated books

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Associated archives

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