RA Collection: People and Organisations
Painter, draughtsman, engraver, illustrator, in Paris, Antwerp, Amsterdam. Son of engraver Etienne Picart (1632-1721).
Born: 1673
Died: 8 May 1733
Gender: Male
Bernard Picart
Le Sage, 1727
Bernard Picart
Le Parfait, 1727
Bernard Picart
Le Turc, 1727
Bernard Picart
Engraved title-plate
Bernard Picart
Hercules and Iole , 1724
Etching and engraving on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Head of Medusa, 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Head of Medusa, 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Head of Satyr, 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Faunus , 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Theseus, 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Achilles Citharede (Achilles playing the lyre) , 1724
Etching and engraving on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Hercules Olivarius (Hercules of the Olive Merchants) , 1724
Etching and engraving on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Leda and the Swan , 1724
Etching and engraving on laid paper
Bernard Picart
The Winged Victory in a Chariot, 1724
Etching and engraving on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Diana Goddess of the Hunt, 1724
Etching and engraving on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Hercules and Cerberus, 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Perseus , 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Young Hercules, 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Bacchus and Ariadne, 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Asclepius , 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Jupiter, 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Minerva as the goddess of health, 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Cupid taming a lion, 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
Hercules drinking from a bowl , 1724
Etching and engravign on laid paper
Bernard Picart
The Ceremonies And Religious Customs Of The Various Nations of the Known World: Together with Historical Annotations, And several Curious Discourses Equally Instructive and Entertaining. Vol. I. ... (-VII. ...) Written originally in French, and illustrated with a large Number of Folio Copper Plates, all beautifully Designed By Mr. Bernard Picart, And curiously Engraved by most of the Best Hands in Europe. Faithfully translated into English, by a Gentleman, some Time since of St. John's College in Oxford. - London:: [1733-1739]
Pliny the Elder
Histoire De La Peinture Ancienne, Extraite De L'Histoire Naturelle De Pline, Liv. XXXV. Avec le Texte Latin, corrigé sur les Mss. de Vossius & sur le I. Ed. de Venise, & éclairci par des Remarques nouvelles. - [Epigraph] - - A Londres,: [1725]
Impostures Innocentes, Ou Recueil D'Estampes D'Apres Divers Peintres Illustres, Tels Que Rafael, Le Guide, Carlo Maratti, Le Poussin, Rembrandt, &c. Gravées à leur imitation, & selon le gout particulier de chacun d'eux, & accompagnées d'un Discours sur les Préjugés de certains Curieux touchant la Gravûre. Par Bernard Picart, Dessinateur Et Graveur: Avec Son Eloge Historique, Et Le Catalogue De Ses Ouvrages. - A Amsterdam,: [1734]
Andrea Palladio
The Architecture Of A. Palladio; In Four Books. Containing, A short Treatise of the Five Orders, and the most necessary Observations concerning all sorts of Building, As Also The different Construction of Private and Publick Houses, High-Ways, Bridges, Market-Places, Xystes, and Temples, with their Plans, Sections, and Uprights. To which are added several Notes and Observations made by Inigo Jones, never printed before. Revis'd, Design'd, and Publish'd By Giacomo Leoni, a Venetian; Architect to his most Serene Highness, the Elector Palatine. Translated from the Italian Original. - London:: [1715][-1720]