2019 A National Treasure: Fred Meijer, His Collection and Legacy, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
The Dog: a Celebration at Chatsworth, Chatsworth, Derbyshire, England
XXL: Estampes Monumental Contemporaines, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen, France
2018 Edifice Complex, Visionary, Structure, Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, USA
The History of Perception, Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Five plus five: sculptures from China and Great Britain in Hainan, Haikou, Hainan Island, China
Solitary Pleasures, Freud Museum, London, England
Summer Exhibition 2018. Royal Academy of Art, London, England
Memory Palace, White Cube Bermondsey, London, England
Remembering tomorrow: artworks and archives, White Cube, Hong Kong
Dimensions of Dialogue, Salam Palace, National Gallery Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
2017 Rodin, L’exposition Du Centenaire, Grand Palais, Paris, France
Intuition, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, Italy
Selected, Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, USA
Double Edge: Folkestone Triennial 2017, various sites, Kent, England
Dejeuner Sur L‘Herbe, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac Pantin, Paris, France
From Life, Royal Academy of Arts, London, England
2016 British Sculptors: The Fisher Collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California, USA
Found, The Foundling Museum, London, England
Co-thinkers, Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture, Moscow, Russia
From Rodin to Bourgeois: Sculpture in the 20th Century, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Haag, Netherlands
Sculpture as Object, Tate Britain, London, England
2015 Self: Image & Identity, Turner Contemporary, Margate, England
Model, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, Czech Republic
Making it: Sculpture in Britain, 1977-1986, Longside Gallery, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Yorkshire, England
Summer Exhibition 2015, Royal Academy of Arts, London, England
From Hockney to Holbein: The Würth Collection in Berlin, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany
Beyond Limits: Landscape of British Sculpture 1950-2015, Sotheby’s at Chatsworth, Derbyshire, England
FFollia Continua! Les 25 And de Galleria Continua, Le Centquatre-Paris, France
Scape 8: New Intimacies, Christchurch, New Zealand
Making It: Sculpture in Britain 1977 – 1986, Mead Gallery, University of Warwick, England
Approaches to Paper, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland