The literary souvenir, or, cabinet of poetry and romance / edited by Alaric A. Watts

Alaric Alexander Watts editor

RA Collection: Book

Record number




London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1828

Physical Description

xxii, 406 pages : illustrations 14 cm.

General Note

The printer is named on the verso of the title page: London: Printed by Bradbury & Co., Bolt Court, Fleet Street.
With added engraved title-page
Each plate accompanied by guard sheet.

Binding Note

Half-bound in blue leather over marbled paper covers. Lettered in gilt on spine: Literary Souvenir 1828


Illustrated books


Charles Robert Leslie RA, source artist
John Wood, source artist
Henry Thomson RA, source artist
William Linton, source artist
Frederick Richard Pickersgill RA, source artist
Robert Farrier, source artist
Charles Rolls, engraver
William Greatbach, engraver
Francis Engleheart, engraver
Edward Goodall, engraver
John Romney, engraver
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, publisher
Bradbury and Co. (London), printer
Royal Academy of Arts - 404

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