S. Marco Convento Dei Padri Predicatori In Firenze Illustrato E Inciso Principalmente Nei Dipinti Del B. Giovanni Angelico Con La Vita Dello Stesso Pittore, E Un Sunto Storico Del Convento Medesimo Del P. Vincenzo Marchese Domenicano
All plates are signed with the name of the source-artist (apart from the first plate, which is a view of a cloister), and with those of the draughtsman and engraver. The source-artist is usually Fra Gio. Angelico, but in some cases Fra Benedetto del Mugello, Fra Eustachio, Fra Bartolommeo or D. Ghirlandaio. The draughtsmen are D. Cellesi, R. Buonaiuti, C. Mariannecci, G. Cabella, F. Calandi, T. Ubaldi, M. Rapisardi, C. Mariani or A. Frassinetti. The engravers are D. Chiossone, F. Livy, S. Martelli, R. Bettazzi, E. Zannoni, G. Bonaini, P. Nocchi, A. Perfetti or E. Damele.
Summary Note
The work was originally published in 20 fascicles.
The plates show frescoes painted by Fra Angelico in the Convento Di San Marco ca. 1440-1445, shortly after it became a Dominican house. They include several depictions of the Crucifixion, a series on the life of Christ, and several paintings of the blessed Virgin with the Christ-Child and saints.
21 February 1852: Ordered to purchase ' ... Le pitture di S. Marco Firenze' (RA Council Minutes, X, 391).
Binding Note
19th-century half calf, marbled-papered boards; gilt-decorated spine, brown morocco spine-label lettered 'Pitture Di S. Marco Di Firenze', spine lettered 'Fir. 1853'.
Bible, N.T., Gospels
Mural painting and decoration, Italian - Paintings, Italian - Monasteries - Italy - Florence - Convento Di San Marco - History - 15th century - Renaissance
Christian art and symbolism - Saints
Pictorial works - Italy - 19th century