Kunstbuechlin / Darinnen neben Fuer-bildung vieler / Geistlicher unnd Weltli-cher / Hohes und Niderstands Personen / so dann auch der Tuerckischen Kaeyser / unnd derselben Obersten / allerhandt Kunstreiche Stueck unnd Figuren: Auch die sieben Planeten / Zehen Al-ter / Rittmeister unnd Befelchshaber / Reuteren / und Contrafactur der Pferde / allerley Thurnier / Fechten / und dann et-liche Helm und Helmdecken be-griffen. Alles auff das zierlichst und kuenftlichst gerissen / durch weylandt den fuertrefflichen und weitberuembten Jost Ammon von Nuernberg. Jetzund von newem / allen denen / so der Kunst der Malerey zugethan / und deren Liebhabern / zusonderm Gefallen zusammen verfasst / und an Tag geben.

RA Collection: Book

Record number



Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn /: (durch Romanum Beatum / in Verlegung Johann Feyrabends.), 1599.

Physical Description

[10] p., [146] leaves carrying [292] prints (one on each recto and verso) (Signatures: ¤3, A-Z4, Aa-Nn4, Oo3.): illus.; (Quarto.) [First copy: 191 mm.] [Second copy: 186 mm.]


[T.p., dedic.(and Vorrede)] - [Blank leaf] - [Leaves of prints] - [leaf carrying print on recto, letterpress colophon on verso].

Responsibility Note

Most plates are unsigned. A few are signed 'IA' (sometimes accompanied by other initials - 'MF', 'LF', 'CS'); others are signed 'M', 'MF', 'GH', 'CS' or 'LF'.

The printer and publisher are named in the colophon: 'Getruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn / durch Romanum Beatum / in Verle-gung Johann Feyrabends. 1599'.

The publication is dedicated by Carl Sigmund Feyrabend to Octavio von Straden zu¯ Rossburg'.


I. O'Dell, Jost Ammans Buchschmuck-Holzschnitte für Sigmund Feyerabend (1993); J.S. Peters, ed., The Illustrated Bartsch 20 (Part 1) (2) German Masters Of The Sixteenth Century Jost Amman ... (1985), p.409-558.

Summary Note

Apart from the title-page, dedication and colophon, the work consists entirely of illustrations printed on the recto and verso of each leaf. The prints show figures from classical myths; in Turkish dress; on horseback; standing in conversation. They end with a series of cartouches.


A facsimile was published in 1968 (New York: Dover; London: Constable).


[First copy:] The verso of the front free-endpaper is inscribed in pencil, 'S.A.H.', i.e. S.A. Hart, librarian of the Royal Academy 1864-81. Purchased for RA Library in 1879 (see RA Annual Report for 1879, p. 47).

[Second copy:] Between the front endpapers a printed card has been loosely inserted, which reads, 'Kunstbüchlin, by Jost Amman. Formerly in the possession of Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Presented by G.D. Leslie, Esq., R.A., 1906.' The front free-endpaper carries the bookplate of George D. Leslie. The title page is inscribed in ink, top right, 'JReynolds', and carries two stamps.

Copy Note

[Second copy:] A preliminary leaf is inscribed in ink, 'Jost Ammon C.S. signifies Christophe Stimer, frere de Tobie Stimmer. Cest ainsi, par example, qui on voit ces lettres accompagnées de la pointe des Graveurs en bois sur un Bacchus qui se trouve dans le Livre de Desseins d'Ammon.' Several prints are inscribed in ink with French captions. The leaves of prints, and the recto of the leaf carrying the colophon. have been inscribed in ink, irregularly, with page numbers.

Binding Note

[First copy:] 19th-century red morocco, upper and lower covers gilt-stamped in 16th-century manner; green morocco spine-labels lettered 'Jost Ammon - Kleider-Tract', 'Frankfurt 1599' and 'R.A.'

[Second copy:] 17th-century sheep; gilt-decorated spine, red morocco spie-label lettered 'Livre De Desseins'.

Name as Subject


People - Horses - Europe - History - 16th century
Drawings - Germany - 16th century
Pattern books - Germany - 16th century
Pictorial works - Woodcuts - Germany - 16th century


Jost Amman, draughtsman
Carl Sigmund Feyerabend, publisher
Romanus Beatus, printer
Johann Feyerabend, printer
Sir Joshua Reynolds PRA, previous owner
George Dunlop Leslie RA, previous owner, donor