Farewell dinner to J.P. Kemble Esqr. on his retirement from the stage admit [blank].

RA Collection: Book

Record number



London: s.n., [1817]

Physical Description

1 printed sheet: illus.; 300 x 210 mm.

General Note

An engraved ticket to the retirement dinner for John Philip Kemble. At the top, a portrait of Kemble's head in profile to the right; the text is surrounded by garlands; at the base a banner with a quotation from Hamlet, "The observed, all observers" woven through a lyre, a mask above. Beneath the banner is the printmaker, 'Silvester sc. / 27 Strand'. The name 'Westmacott Esqre' is inscrbed in ink in the line after the printed 'admit' and the names 'Urquhart & Walker', the names of the secretaries of the committee that organised the event, inscribed in ink below.

Pasted to the ticket is a printed label: 'Note - The Dinner will be celebrated at the Freemason's / Tavern, on Friday, the 27th June Instant. Dinner on Table at / Seven o'Clock precisely.' Handwritten in pencil at the top of this label is, '1817. Invitation to My Grandfater / afterwards Sir R. Westmacott'.


Part of a set of pamphlets from the library of Richard Westmacott RA presented by Mrs Rodwell in 1937 (see RA Annual Report for 1937, p. 55).
Bound (20) in vol. VI of a set of pamphlets from the library of Richard Westmacott RA.

Binding Note

In green quarter-bound leather; spine with two red leather labels, both lettered in gilt, the first as 'Miscellaneous' and the second as 'Vol. / VI'.

Name as Subject


Richard William Silvester, printmaker, engraver
Mrs. Rodwell, donor
Sir Richard Westmacott RA, previous owner
Richard Westmacott the Younger RA, previous owner
Royal Academy of Arts - 404

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