London: Printed by Nichols, Son, and Bentley, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street: and sold by F. C. and J. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard; and Law and Whitaker, Ave Maria Lane, 1816
Physical Description
[6], 48 p., [1] leaf of plate: plan; 209 mm.
General Note
Another edition of this work: A popular description of St. Paul's Cathedral; including a brief history of the Old and New Cathedral, etc. The work is dedicated (p. [iii]) to the Right Reverend the Dean and the Rev. the Chapter of St. Paul's, signed M. H. and dated from Crosby Square, January 1, 1816. The frontispiece is a ground floor plan of St. Paul's. Page [v] is 'Explanation of the references in the Plate.'; and page [vi] is 'Errata.' For another version of this work see 25/333.
An ink inscription appears on the verso of the title-page (p. [ii]): 'To Richard Westmacott Esq. / with / Miss Hackett's respectful compliments / and thanks'.
Part of a set of pamphlets from the library of Richard Westmacott RA presented by Mrs Rodwell in 1937 (see RA Annual Report for 1937, p. 55).
Bound (15) in vol. VI of a set of pamphlets from the library of Richard Westmacott RA.
Binding Note
In green quarter-bound leather; spine with two red leather labels, both lettered in gilt, the first as 'Miscellaneous' and the second as 'Vol. / VI'.
St. Paul's Cathedral (London, England) ; Guidebooks