Henry Fuseli Esqr
Royal Academy
Le depart prochain de mon Ami M.r W.Y. Ottley
pour la France me fait un devoir de Vous adres
ser ce peu de Signes: - il se propose de
My Dear Friend,
I have so seldom of late reminded
You of my existence either in person or by
letter, that I trust you will allow me
to request a few moments of your time
to say a kind word to the bearer of this
M.r Austin, a young Artist of this place
who excels in his department of Landscape,
& who is desirous of paying his respects
to you on his intended visit to London
& of being permitted to see the various
works of art intrusted to your care
within the walls of the Royal Academy,
amongst which, I hope you will have
the goodness to favour him with a
Sight of your own. It gives me