W.B. Richmond, to Julia Richmond

RA Collection: Archive

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W.B. Richmond, to Julia Richmond


[Apr 1866]



Extent & medium

1 piece

Content Description

He has been occupied on his little fresco and the large cartoon. He splits his evenings between learning Italian, reading and enjoying music at the Palissers'. Miss Palisser is to leave Rome and has promised to call on them when she gets to London. Rome is now experiencing real summer heat. He has nearly finished his copy of the Aldobrandini and has been spending a great deal of time in the Etruscan museum. Mr. Boxall is expected and Richmond will visit him.

He has been painting figure studies out of doors and his Italian master is pleased with his work. The lease of his studio runs until the 22nd July, at which point he will journey to Naples and Capri. He is sorry to hear that father does not like Leighton's large picture, as he was struck with it shortly after it was begun in Rome. He cannot bear the thought of returning yet to London, so much would remind him of [Charlotte], he talks of her memory.

The Italians strongly displike their government and there increasing talk of war. Eleanor Severn is very kind to him.