[draft] [Ozias Humphry], to [Sir Charles Warnick Bampfylde]

RA Collection: Archive

Reference code



[draft] [Ozias Humphry], to [Sir Charles Warnick Bampfylde]


[May-Jun 1774]



Extent & medium

1 piece

Content Description

M. Seriel is now able to stay in Rome longer, thanks to his Swedish friends and is happy to execute the commission of a sculpture of Achilles, Humphry has seen the sketch of the sculpture and approves of it; bearing in mind the price, the sculptor is the best in Europe and his production, when completed should be counted as among the best modern works in existence, a full-scale model will be made before the marble is ordered; M. Seriel has been charged with making a sculpture for the King of Sweden; Mr. Fusselii advances on his painting; mentions some English gentlemen currently in Rome, including Sir Thomas Clarges; asks the addressee to convey news to his mother in Honiton, through Mr. Mitchel at Pollimore.

Physical Characteristics

Royal Academy of Arts - 404

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