Council minutes, vol. 5
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& Actaeon which you wish to be sent to the Royal
Academy for the purpose of being copied by the
Students is unfortunately one of those purchased
by the late Duke of Bridgewater & which accor-
-ding to the terms of his Will I fear cannot be al-
-lowed to remain out of Cleveland House otherwise
than for the purpose of cleaning _ I hope that I
need not add that any of the Pictures of that Collec-
-tion which I have purchased myself shall be al-
-ways at the disposal of the Royal Academy
I am, my dear Sir,
Your faithful & obedient Servt
Stafford _
Adds to the President
The President enter’d & took the Chair;
& stated that the Rt Honble Charles Long had
put into his hands a List of 26 Casts from Marbles
in the Popes Museum which are about to be sent
to The Prince Regent & which His Royal Highness
is graciously pleased to present to the Royal Academy
Council minutes, vol. 5
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and that Mr Long had further in command
from His Royal Highness to intimate to the
President that if Casts from any other of the fine
Antiques in Rome should be consider’d desireable
for the School of the Royal Academy, His Royal
Highness would, on their being specified, use his
influence to obtain them_
Resolved that this additional
& distinguish’d mark of The Prince Regents kind-
-ness to the Royal Academy, & of his regard to the
interests of Art confers on them a lasting obligation,
& claims their utmost gratitude_
Resolved that the Royal
Academy do avail itself of an opportunity so gra-
-ciously afforded of procuring a set of the finest
examples for the Students in Design, & that the
following List of such other Casts as would be emi-
-nently useful in the Royal Academy be presented
to Mr Long with a request that he will have the
Council minutes, vol. 5
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goodness to lay it before The Prince Regent with
the most dutiful respect of the President & Council
List deliver’d to the President by Mr Long
“Nota dei Jessi destinati di far partire per
Londra al Principe Regente_
1 Torso di Belvedere. 19 Antinoo _ idem
2 Laocoonte. 20 Flora _ idem
3 Mercurio, o Antinoo. 21 Fedele _ idem
4 Meleagro _ Teste _
5 a 14 Apollo con le Muse. 22 Giove Serapide
15 Menandro. 23 Ajace
16 Posidippo. 24 Oceano
17 Gladiatore moribondo. 25 Baccante
18 Venere di Campidoglio. 26 Simile ”
List of Casts desired by the Royal Academy
1 Fauno di Barberini _ la parte antica
2 Discobolo trovato da Hamilton
3 Discobolo del Palazzo Massimi
4 Athra e Teseo, volgarmente detto Paperio colla Madre
5 Gruppo d’Amore e Antigone _ detto Pato e Arria
Council minutes, vol. 5
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6 Marte sedente – di Villa Ludovisi –
7 Altro Marte sedente dell’istessa Villa
8 Testa colossale di Giunone _ V.Ludovisi
9 Apollone di Belvedere
10 Ariadne dormente _ o Cleopatra
11 Bacco barbato di Sardanapollo
12 Statuetta di Vittoria del Museo Vaticano
13 Amazone gia nella Villa Mattei
14 Augusto Velato _ M. Vaticano
15-16 – Figlio & Figlia _ idem
17 Amore col arco _ idem
18 Amore e Psiche _ di Campidoglio
19 La Venere di Prassitele _ del Duca Braschi
20 Gruppo di Pane con un giovane _ V. Ludovisi
21 Focione _ M. Vaticano
Read a letter from Prince Hoare Esq. trans-
-mitting the Acts of the Imperial Academy at Milan
for the Years 1814 & 1815
Resolved that Cicognara’s History
of Sculpture from its revival in Italy to the present
RA Collection: Archive
Council minutes, vol. 5
04 Jan 1813 - 11 Jul 1818